Nov 6, 2018
Teen pregnancy is defined by someone who has a child between the ages of 13-19. About 750,000 teens get pregnant each year, mostly between the ages 17 to 19 (Kost, et al., 2010).
While Latinxs currently have the highest teen birth rates, they have also had a dramatic recent decline in rates. Since 2007, the teen birth rate has declined by 58% for Latinx, compared with declines of 53% for African Americans and 47% for Caucasians.
In this solo episode, I share my personal experience with getting pregnant at age 19 and becoming a single mother during my undergraduate schooling in Santa Barbara, CA. I discuss general and personal mental health effects, cultural beliefs and common mentalities that Latinx teens and their parents experience.
I also explore the barriers to sex education, such as family beliefs, shame, and Catholicism. I provide advice to young girls, parents and therapists.
Next time I will continue with my story and talk about the collectivistic views with family postpartum adjustment and the high status that is achieved with childbearing in the Latinx culture.
Teen Line : 310-855-4673, or text TEEN to 839863
Birth Control Methods:
Tool- Find the Right Method That Works for You:
Find Various Program for Parents & Teens:
WIC in CA for Free formula, diapers, healthy food, lactating classes & more:
Statistics were referenced from:
Kost K, et al. (2010). U.S. Teenage pregnancies, births and abortions: National and state trends and trends by race and ethnicity. Guttmacher Institute.